Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Should you get Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a last resort in the journey to losing weight. Ideally, eating less and exercise would work well with everybody. But for many people, it doesn't work as well or at all. After trying this, a doctor usually tries a number of other methods such as medication to help a patient lose weight. If everything else fails a doctor may recommend that you have bariatric surgery. This is not an easy decision to make. You need to determine if you really think you need it, you need to understand what it is and the risks involved, and also how much it will cost you.

If you have been obese all your life and just can't find a way to lose the weight, then this may be your best option. It is a method that has a very high success rate. You should talk with your doctor first of course to be sure that this is currently your best option. There maybe other less invasive options that you can still try out before having surgery.

Having this kind of surgery involves some risk. Surgeons have gotten much better at these operations and the devices that are used have also gotten much better. But like all surgeries, there is always a risk of complications or things not working exactly as they should. Before deciding on whether or not you want to have one of these procedures, you definitively need to understand the risks that are involved. The best thing to do is to discuss these risks directly with your doctor.

Lastly, you need to understand how much the procedure is going to cost and how you are going to pay for it. Not everybody has health insurance and not all health insurance is the same. You need to understand how much the procedure will cost in total, including follow up visits and everything. It's a good idea to have any extra money that you need for this procedure saved up before having the operation. You will want to discuss this issue with your doctor and possibly the support people at the doctor's office. You should "run the numbers" several times at home to be sure that it won't put any kind of financial strain on yourself. Nobody wants to worry about money while they are in the process of recovering from a medical procedure.

Once you have decided on all of these things, you should talk to your doctor again and ask if there is anything else you need to know. Your doctor will usually give you loads of other information about what bariatric surgery procedure is right for you and what to expect. Good luck!

Different Kinds of Bariatric Surgery

Here is an amazing video that I found on Youtube that goes through the different kinds of Bariatric surgery procedures. This video does an awesome job and showing you visually what is happening and what each procedure does.

If you are considering this kind of surgery or are thinking about getting it sometime in the future, you should definitely take a few minutes to watch this great video. Just click on the video box below to start playing the video.

The video does get a little technical, so if you don't understand everything, that is totally fine! I watched the video a couple of times and still don't understand some of it! It goes through all of the most commonly used bariatric surgery procedures and visually shows you what is going on.

There are also a few other neat videos like this on Youtube. If you have the time, you should browse around on their to learn more about this topic.

Thanks for checking out this cool video and for checking out this site to learn more.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery is a weight loss operation. There are a number of different operations that fall under this category. They are typically performed only on obese (very over weight) people.

Being obese can have several health related risks. In short, it isn't healthy to be extremely over weight. Because of this reason and also for appearance reasons, many people want to shed the pounds.

Many people that eventually get bariatric surgery have already tried a number of diets and exercises recommended by their doctors. Having this kind of surgery is almost always a last resort after all other options have been exhausted without success.

If you are interested in having bariatric surgery, you should talk it over with your doctor. There are a number of ways that it can be done. The main idea of this procedure is to reduce the size of the stomach in some way so that you fill full faster. If you fill full faster when you are eating, then you will end up eating less food. One of the procedures involves creating a small pouch in your stomach so that you fill full more quickly. A different procedure involves decreasing the size of your stomach by using staples.

These surgeries, like all surgeries carry some risk. It is important to understand and discuss these risks with your doctor. They have gotten less risky and more safe over time, but you should always be away of all of the outcomes that are possible with this kind of surgery.

I'll post a video soon that visually shows some of these different procedures. Thanks for reading!

Welcome and Disclaimer

Welcome to this new and cool information website about bariatric surgery. I hope to create a few really good articles on this site that will help people understand exactly what this operation is, how it works, and whether it is right for them or not.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information on this website is not written by a medical professional. You should always consult a doctor before making important medical information. Please do not rely on the accuracy of this website. We do our best to keep it up to date and accurate, but we are not doctors or medical professionals in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your doctor.