Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery is a weight loss operation. There are a number of different operations that fall under this category. They are typically performed only on obese (very over weight) people.

Being obese can have several health related risks. In short, it isn't healthy to be extremely over weight. Because of this reason and also for appearance reasons, many people want to shed the pounds.

Many people that eventually get bariatric surgery have already tried a number of diets and exercises recommended by their doctors. Having this kind of surgery is almost always a last resort after all other options have been exhausted without success.

If you are interested in having bariatric surgery, you should talk it over with your doctor. There are a number of ways that it can be done. The main idea of this procedure is to reduce the size of the stomach in some way so that you fill full faster. If you fill full faster when you are eating, then you will end up eating less food. One of the procedures involves creating a small pouch in your stomach so that you fill full more quickly. A different procedure involves decreasing the size of your stomach by using staples.

These surgeries, like all surgeries carry some risk. It is important to understand and discuss these risks with your doctor. They have gotten less risky and more safe over time, but you should always be away of all of the outcomes that are possible with this kind of surgery.

I'll post a video soon that visually shows some of these different procedures. Thanks for reading!

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